Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Good Way

I am very excited, for I am finally getting out of the house today. We had a major ice storm, and all the events that I would have been part of, were cancelled. It may not sound all that impressive, but we live back in the woods (I'm very thankful for such a great place to live, don't get me wrong), and I have been stuck in this house for almost 6 days straight. For me, that's an eternity not seeing my friends, and just... people. =] I love my people... hehe!

When you are faced with a quiet world of ice and snow, however, something amazing happens. I looked up into the bright sky, with the ice shining from the trees, and I realized I wasn't as lonely as I thought. Sure I haven't talked to a person outside my family for 5 days, but that kind of melts away as I saw the brilliance of God's creation. It reminds me of how the simple love of the Father could create such a magnificent masterpiece. We humans have tried to be master minds and create things... but nothing compares to God's unfailing talent. It reminds me of Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

There is part of a song by Avalon, (The Good Way) that wraps up my point:

Traffic noise, expensive toys
A love that never lasts
Broken homes and self-made thrones
We're livin' life too fast
That we forget the things that His love brings
Beyond what this world is
I can hear it still today
What the preacher used to say
This is how you live
You've got to..

Believe in your heart
Right down to your soul
And speak the true things
And know that you know
'Cause this might be the day
So live like it is
Find the good way
And walk in it
Walk on

1 comment:

HBSinger said...

You are soo lucky you're getting some winter storms up there!! Here we're getting absolutely nothing. It feels like spring. ]= oh well lol. I would probably hate being iced in for six whole days!! That is a really really long time!

I remember about 10 years ago when we lived in VA we had a two foot blizzard. My dad was staying at our house by himself (the rest of us were in Kentucky at the time) so he was snowed in by himself for three days. I'll bet that wasn't too fun! lol.

Love that song by the way!! That is really neat.