Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Keeping It Real

Lately I've been wondering how we can have a relationship with God, and keep it at its fullest. When you first become a Christian, you are filled with a new hope. You have a great passion to change your life. However, as you continue in your walk, sometimes its hard to keep that beginning perspective. The newness wears off, and you're left with a daily grind. Day after day, just living your life in a routine, until you loose the passion of being a person on fire for God. I want keep it real.

In Lamentations 3:22-23, it says, "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

God's love and mercy never fails. Praise God for His daily renewal of hope in our hearts. I find myself caught up in my schedule, wondering if it will ever end. I know that in Christ, I am set free from being bound by the world. He gives us a wonderful hope of things to come.

So look foward to tomorrow, and the next day. We could use those days to live for our Lord Jesus, and live with His unfailing love and faithfulness constantly covering us. Keep it real!

1 comment:

HBSinger said...

Wow that is a great reminder! Today of all days I really needed to hear that! Thanks, Sarah!